MOntessori Kids
Starry Garden is a place where children are safe to learn and explore knowledge in their beautiful and amazing world.
Montessori students work with carefully designed learning materials, manipulating and investigating until they master the lesson and gain greater knowledge.
When a child reaches a level in learning where they see and create patterns, they have reached the level where those patterns can become a foundation for creative expression.
Montessori students become self-directed learners as they learn to make and trust their choices for their own learning growth and development.
learning to readYoung children can easily and joyfully learn to read if given the right tools. Just as a young child easily learns a language they hear daily, they can also learn the language of reading. There are many delightful ways children will choose to learn to read.
Learning mathMontessori students learn math from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract, from process first to facts later. The child will learn number meaning, number sequence and true meanings of the number operations add, subtract, multiply and divide.
learning in natureWhat better way to learn about science and art than through the free and natural play of a child? Each child will learn how to observe and enjoy nature.
“There must be provision for the child to have contact with nature; to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature.” Maria Montessori |