elementary school
small groups & big discussionsWhen instruction happens, it is usually in small groups. After careful observation and record keeping, a teacher will call together a small group for a needed lesson. The teacher encourages interesting discussion among students to deepen their understanding as they use mind maps or manipulative tools. After a lesson, each child has many times to practice a skill or further explore an area individually or with partners.
Choices make learning engagingChildren have choices, there’s no one-size-fits all curriculum. Students are encouraged to be curious; they are engaged and love learning.
Creating deepens understanding The child creates in science, math, writing and in all subjects. They can solve a math problem with pen and paper. but they can also build that same math problem, with tools that deepen knowledge as they use the hands-on tools. Math is not a mystery. Genuine inner confidence grows.
Record KeepingTeachers at Starry Garden Elementary keep detailed records so we understand where each student stands in achieving mastery in each level of understanding in every subject.
Montessori Discovery learningAt Starry Garden Montessori Elementary School, the children are actively engaged in project-based learning. Through inquiry based discovery, they are self-motivated to reach answers for the questions they have developed in their desire to learn and understand. In Montessori classrooms, the child learns through hands-on projects and self-motivated, active discovery. Because they have such an active part in their learning process, they are never bored and love learning.
No barriers to learningAt Starry Garden Montessori School, children advance at their own pace.. Children often move ahead of their grade level because of our small teacher to child ratio as well as working with hands-on tools and deep discussions increases understanding rapidly. The teacher can guide each child toward engaging work which will help the child advance with deeper understanding. No boring remedial work is needed.
Applications to real lifeChildren help create structures as part of their learning. For example, this year they will help construct two high tunnels and a outdoor garden. They will plant a cover crop, then plant summer plants in the greenhouse and spring plants in the outdoor fenced garden. They will help plant trees and wildflowers as part of our play area.