IEW Excellence in writing CourseThis course will help children:
"Using the four language arts—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—IEW methods have been proven to be effective for students of all ages and levels of ability, including those who are gifted, have special needs, or are English language learners." IEW Taught in a simple, friendly manner, these skills are not difficult or scary!
SpeakingYour child has many important things to say. Their voice can be powerful and influential. Taking this course will teach your child to speak making a clear, concise, and organized presentation. Each child will be able to tell the story of their life experiences in such a way that they can enhance the understanding of those listening. Your child can share their own growing perceptions; and, in the process, deepen their own wisdom.
Having confidence in their ability to speak, your child can speak up for principles they know to be right. Every child can become mighty in sharing truths they have discovered in a way that is engaging and trustworthy. WritingTo be a good writer is to be able to influence millions. In this class, your child will learn how to be an excellent writer in different genres of writing. Children will explore narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive writing.
Your child will learn narrative writing: to tell a meaningful story from their own life. It will become a well-written and often-read story that becomes a family treasure. Narrative writing also can be used in fictional writing. Descriptive writing creates a vivid picture of a place, a person, an idea or a creature. It is rather like painting with words. It creates a clear picture and can be used in any type of writing. Expository writing is factual and requires organization of thought. Your child will learn to conduct research to support their writing. One student said, "Research is more fun than recess!" Persuasive writing is to persuade someone or some group or organization that the writer's idea or solution to a problem is valid. Your child will learn to understand and present multiple points of view and debate which is best. Opportunity for writers Becoming an excellent writer will help your child have multiple doors opened to them. Good writers are needed everywhere! But, best of all, your child will learn how to think logically and clearly and to recognize unclear thinking. Good writers have the power of the the heart speaking from well-researched truths and wisdoms of the soul.
Listening Learning to listen is such an important skill. A person who can listen to learn, has the whole world of knowledge before them. They can learn great wisdom from those speaking to them, individually or in a group. They are able to catch details, with interest, so they can ask vital questions to gain even more knowledge.
Strong listening skills gives the child empathy to understand another's point of view. Cooperative problem solving is possible if each person is able to listen to others. Listening is essential to good writing. A child sometimes can't even hear their own voice, or they discount it, not understanding the meaning or need or depth of wisdom behind their own voice. A child who listens intently has the power tp deepen knowledge and deepen wisdom. Reading Oh, the beauty of a well written passage that strikes our very soul because it was just what we were ready to hear! In this class, we will learn to search out the best, most beautifully written paragraphs of the best books. The deep messages of these wonderful books will be shared, with delight, as we learn to be more discriminating of the quality of books we are reading. We will remember and share these quality books throughout our lives. Your child will learn how to pattern their own writing following the patterns of great writing of the great writers. They will then be able to develop their own patterns of writing for different types of writing.